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Tabular data

Ask users to supply a spreadsheet of data, select the data from their spreadsheet that is relevant to your service, and review that the supplied data matches the service's expectations.

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Start the user journey

Explain to users that they are about to upload data, and what data will be required.

Upload a file




User selects a spreadsheet

Use the GOV.UK Design System file upload component to get the user to select a file.

Select a worksheet

Which sheet should be used?

User selects a worksheet (optional)

Users often include explanatory information, summaries, pivot tables or charts on extra sheets. Your service should allow them to ignore these.

If the file type supports multiple sheets (i.e. it is a Microsoft Excel (XLSX) file or OpenDocument Sheets (ODS) file), use the sheet selector component to get the user to select one of the sheets.

You can skip this step if the file only contains one sheet.

Select your data

aaa bbb ccc
zzz yyy xxx
mmm nnn ooo

User selects column headers

Users often add extra titles above the first row of headers that should be ignored. Data may also not start in the first column as users often leave blank columns to provide padding.

Use the table view component in to display the contents of the selected spreadsheet and ask the user to select column headers.

Select your data

aaa bbb ccc
zzz yyy xxx
mmm nnn ooo

User selects bottom of their data

Users often include extra summary rows (such as "subtotals") after the last row of data that should be ignored.

Use the table view component to display the contents of the selected spreadsheet and ask the user to select where rows end.

Identify your columns

User maps input columns to required names

Users often include extra columns (such as "notes") in amongst the columns of interest. Your service should allow users to ignore these. They may also pick different names for columns depending on their other needs.

Use a set of select dropdowns to allow the user to select which columns in the input spreadsheet correspond to required data for your service.

Review your data

aaa bbb ccc
zzz yyy xxx
mmm nnn ooo
Warning There are 2 invalid rows.

User reviews rejected rows

Use the table view component to display the results of row validation and highlight any rows that weren't considered valid.

The component will also display a summary of the number of rows it contains, and how many are not valid.

Users should then be able to go back to modify any options that might fix the issue or upload a different spreadsheet with any broken rows fixed. Depending on your service, you may also allow users to proceed with the valid rows and come back later to upload new rows to replace the invalid ones.

Upload complete

You applied for 456 licenses




User receives receipt of upload

Use the GOV.UK Design System Panel component to provide confirmation that the upload was successfully received and is being processed.

The panel component should include any relevant statistics that reassure the user that the correct action is being taken, such as the number of operations that will be carried out in response or the number of affected items.